Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How to Conduct a Simple Self Hypnosis

Today, i would like to introduce a simple self-hypnosis technique that many people can use; it is called the "light switch technique". This is a great self hypnosis induction that you can use that I’ve found to be very effective. Read it somewhere recently. Enjoy!

Here are the steps:

Imagine that you have two big bundles of wires coming down from your brain, and that the wires then split off and go into every nerve and fiber of your body.

One bundle of wires goes and controls all of the core functions of your body, like your blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing. We’ll leave that bundle alone. And the other bundle connects to every single voluntary muscle and nerve in your body, so that if you were to shut off power to that second bundle, all of your nerves would relax instantly!

Now lift up the index finger of your left hand, and imagine under that index finger is a light switch that will either turn off or on that entire bundle of voluntary muscles and nerves. Right now that light switch is in the ON position.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and go into a light state of hypnosis.

To deepen your trance, turn off that light switch, and allow all of those muscles and nerves to relax completely, as if all of the electrical power had just been cut off.

You may even want to imagine what it is like when the power suddenly goes off in your building. Feel that feeling of complete and total darkness, and have that happen every time that you switch that light switch off.

Once you hve done that, you should be in a deeper state of hyonosis. You are then readied to talk to your subconscious mind. You can pre-record your message and play now or keep repeat the auto-suggestion that you want to program into your mind.

After a few sessions, you should see the difference. Try it and be convinced.

Pls leave your comment if you happen to try it...

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