Thursday, October 29, 2009

Quit Smoking With Hypnosis

You’ve tried everything to quit smoking but failed. The patch, the pill, the gum, cold turkey and nothing has worked? Perhap’s you’ve quit for a few days, weeks, months or even years but then something caused you to go back to smoking. You may wonder what it was that caused you to pick up a cigarette and smoke it; maybe it was stress or being around other people who were smoking and you probably thought that you would just smoke 1 or two and then quit again with no problem.

So many people fall into this same trap, they want to quit, they know they need to quit, their doctor has been telling them to quit but they just can’t seem to kick the habit long term. We are here to tell you that there is hope for you…you can quit smoking with hypnosis! Many of our clients tell us that they leave our office on their quit day with no cravings or desires to ever smoke another cigarette again. The success rate is as high as 90% if you are following the instruction fully.

Clinical hypnotherapy has been thoroughly researched and proven to be one of the most safe and effective forms of behavior modification available. According to the American Heart Association, “Smoking is a habit you can change. You learned to use cigarettes to feel “normal.” Now you must re-train yourself or reprogram your mind. In time, you’ll feel normal without cigarettes.” Hypnosis is a form of mental training in which you can train your mind to comfortably live your life as a non-smoker.

Visit for further details. Contact Patrick Tong at or 97733173 for a private and no-obligation discussion.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hypno-Parenting - A New Way of Parenting

Hypnosis parenting is a modern and effective method of parenting style. With this method you could hypnotize your children to do their homework, their school task or focus on their coming examination etc.

Below you will read a great secret of hypnosis and parenting method that i came across from an experienced certified hypnotherapist in UK.

When I tell people that I am a Hypnotherapist who teaches Parenting Classes, the first question people ask is, “Can you show me how to hypnotize my kids to do their homework, clean their rooms, and go to bed?” The answer to this question and those like it is an overwhelming “yes!” I also show parents how to use self-hypnosis to be calm in any parenting situation so they can be the mom or dad they have always wanted to be.

So what are the secrets of hypnotizing your own kids? Well, you already know a few of them. Another word for hypnosis is suggestibility. Your children are already naturally suggestible to you. From the earliest months, children imitate their parents facial expressions and mirror their moods. Every parent knows that if you look a five month old baby in the eye and smile, that baby will automatically smile back. It is called the “Smile Reflex” because it is virtually universal. The same basic principle applies to older children, as well. If you want a toddler to wear a hat at the park, have mom and dad wear a hat, and the youngster will demand one, too! This idea gets more complex, (and challenging) as kids get older. For example, lets say your goal is to help your child to limit “impulse buying” at the store. Well, the next time you go to buy a gift for someone else, don’t buy something for yourself on impulse, at least not while your with the kids!

Other ideas for hypnotizing your children (having them be more suggestible to you) are easy and very effective. First, stop. Put your hand on the child’s shoulder, look directly in his/her eyes and give directions as statements, not questions. For example, you can say, “John, it is now time for you to take out the garbage, please.” This is more effective than, “Can you take out the garbage now?” Want to increase the chances that John will do it the first time you ask? Simply nod your head up and down in a “yes” motion as you give your direction, and you will notice John nodding back!

You can also use hypnosis to help your child with sleep issues, nervousness about school presentations and help him or her improve sports performance. This gives you a wonderful opportunity to bond with your child before bedtime. Right before he/she goes to bed, have your child close his/her eyes and get comfy and cozy under the covers. Then simply tell your child a wonderful story about succeeding in whatever the challenge he/she is facing. Remember, use positive images, like “Once there was a little girl who could sleep comfortably all through the night.” This is much better than negative images like, “Once there was a little girl who did not get up and bother her mom in the middle of the night.”


I personally tried some of these methods on my 2 years old son and it worked! So, what are you waiting for....:)

Did You know that Hypnosis can help you to....

Hypnosis helps people to stop smoking, lose weight, improve confidence, overcome fear of public speaking and improve sports performance.

Did you know that hypnosis can also help you to:

-Increase motivation
-Stop worrying
-Ease blushing
-Handle peer pressure
-Beat high blood pressure
-Overcome coffee, chocolate, tranquilizers, sleeping pills and other addictions
-Prepare for speedy recovery from surgery
-Relax for breastfeeding
-Help with remembering names or improve spelling
-Bring chronic pain relief
-Improve sex life problems
-Help with dating
-Overcome exam and driving test nerves (great for your teenagers)
-Manage anger
-Cure insomnia
-Overcome guilt
-Bring relief in a wide range of stress-related health problems

So, stop procrastination right now and visit Delta Hypnosis for a no obligation discussion. Make an appointment now at (Patrick Tong: 97733173).

Will I Lose Control When I Am In Hypnosis??

A good video to show whether you will lose control when you are in Hypnosis. Enjoy!

If You Want To Lose Weight, Read On....

Losing weight can be hard. It doesn’t matter if you just need to lose a couple of pounds for a special occasion or if you need to lose a lot of weight to improve your general health. Sometimes, it can seem downright impossible to get on track.

Actually losing weight doesn’t just significantly improve your chances of living to a ripe old age – it’ll also make you feel good now. You’ll look good, you’ll be able to wear the clothes you like and you’ll have more energy to live your life the way you want to. People will look at you in a different way and you’ll feel more confident. But, getting to this stage isn’t always easy.

You may start off with the best intentions and you may even lose some weight along the way. But, for many of us, this initial good start doesn’t go any further. The fact is that you’ll hit a plateau at some point here and then it’s hard to keep going. You may be exercising and you may be eating right but the weight just won’t go at the rate you want it to. So, the easiest thing to do is to simply reach for the chips and just resign yourself to NOT losing weight because you start to believe that you can’t do it.

Alternatively, you may try new diets all the time and actually lose weight. But, as soon as you’ve achieved your weight loss goal and start eating normally again the weight will creep back on. And the fact is that fad diets, pills and quick-fix solutions don’t just work in the long term – they could also harm your health.

The thing to realize here is that weight loss is not just about what you do with your body and what you put in it. It’s also about what’s going on in your head. This is why more and more of us are turning to hypnosis as a solution. So, why does hypnosis work when every diet you’ve ever tried doesn’t?

The answer is simple. Hypnosis gets to the root of your issues with your weight and helps to cure you of bad habits.

Use Hypnosis to Help You Lose Weight
Hypnosis is such a popular solution to weight loss nowadays simply because it helps you to subconsciously accept the eating habits that will get you fit and healthy. A good hypnotherapist, for example, will help your brain reject unhealthy foods and actually crave healthy ones. They can also help you conquer eating issues such as stress and comfort eating and can give you the confidence to believe that you can lose weight.

So, all you need to do is to relax, let the hypnotherapist does its work and then immediately start a new life with the kind of attitude towards food and healthy eating that will ensure a healthy weight loss. And, most importantly, because your hypnotherapist will work on core issues, the weight will stay off once you start to lose it.

Good luck!

New Way of Managng Your Stress - Hypnosis

Stress contributes to "silent killers" such as high blood pressure, heart disease, strokes and several other fatal illness. It also affects the immune system. Stress, when left unmanaged can maniifest into a wide range of symptoms and affect your daily life to a great extend. And Hypnosis is one of the most effective methods to relieve stress.

The power of hypnosis works at a subconscious level. You will learn to visualize your stress and then visualize stress free situation and feel how great it is to live without stress and anchor this feeling of stress free deep into your subconscious mind. Whenever you want it, you just need to recall this beautiful state of mind and instantly you will be in the stress-free state again. Isn't that great!

This is an amazing process that has worked for so many people. Practice hypnosis on a regular basis can lead to improved physical and mental health.

If you are suffering for immense stress, it's time to consult a certified hypnotherapist to resolve your issue. Good luck!

How to Conduct a Simple Self Hypnosis

Today, i would like to introduce a simple self-hypnosis technique that many people can use; it is called the "light switch technique". This is a great self hypnosis induction that you can use that I’ve found to be very effective. Read it somewhere recently. Enjoy!

Here are the steps:

Imagine that you have two big bundles of wires coming down from your brain, and that the wires then split off and go into every nerve and fiber of your body.

One bundle of wires goes and controls all of the core functions of your body, like your blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing. We’ll leave that bundle alone. And the other bundle connects to every single voluntary muscle and nerve in your body, so that if you were to shut off power to that second bundle, all of your nerves would relax instantly!

Now lift up the index finger of your left hand, and imagine under that index finger is a light switch that will either turn off or on that entire bundle of voluntary muscles and nerves. Right now that light switch is in the ON position.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and go into a light state of hypnosis.

To deepen your trance, turn off that light switch, and allow all of those muscles and nerves to relax completely, as if all of the electrical power had just been cut off.

You may even want to imagine what it is like when the power suddenly goes off in your building. Feel that feeling of complete and total darkness, and have that happen every time that you switch that light switch off.

Once you hve done that, you should be in a deeper state of hyonosis. You are then readied to talk to your subconscious mind. You can pre-record your message and play now or keep repeat the auto-suggestion that you want to program into your mind.

After a few sessions, you should see the difference. Try it and be convinced.

Pls leave your comment if you happen to try it...

Monday, October 26, 2009

Private 1-1 Session

Private One-on-one Sessions
Do you have any problem or issue which causes you pain or suffering? You may have tried to resolve it through every avenue you can think of, without much success.

Don’t give up! There is still hypnotherapy, if you haven’t tried it yet. Hypnotherapy is one of the fastest growing fields in achieving human potential. As a hypnotherapist, I have helped hundreds of people overcome their worst issues, and I have seen 95% of them succeed within 4 to 6 sessions.

I will be able to help you to achieve your goals or overcome your issues, where nothing else has helped you. I use hypnosis, hypnotherapy and teach self-hypnosis so that people like you can succeed in making important changes.

Did you know that many of the most successful Olympic teams use hypnosis to help their athletes win? So do many English Premiere League professional footballers. Now you can use this technique for yourself, whether you are trying to overcome an old problem or if you want to grow to a new level of personal achievement.

Hypnotherapy can also be used as a complementary treatment for some medical and psychological issues. In the calm of a peaceful environment, and with my guidance, you will be able to release your mental blocks and program a lighter and struggle-free life for yourself. Let me contact your doctor to make sure that using hypnosis is appropriate for your situation.

Hypnotherapy can be used with issues like pain management, stress related illnesses and any issue that has been labelled psychogenic in origin. There are so many areas/issues you can overcome and gain control of through Hypnotherapy. Listed below are just some of them that i am specialised in:

- Stop Smoking
- Motivation
- Self Confidence
- Weight Control
- Stage Fright
- Shyness
- Stress Relief
- Public Speaking
- Procrastination
- Removing Anxiety
- Pain Management
- Emotional Trauma
- Removing Fears
- Anger Management
- Exam Anxiety
- Relationships Issues
- Sexual Issues
- Improving Memory
- Alcohol Abuse
- Physical Abuse
- Improve Sports Performance
- Drug Abuse
- Self Esteem
- Children’s Issues
- Improve Concentration and Focus
. . .and many more

Contact me to arrange for a private and no-obligation appointment. We can discuss what your problem is and how to proceed. You may email me at or sms/call 97733173 to make that appointment. I’ll be happy to assist you on any queries that you may have.

7th Path™ Self Hypnosis Course

What is the 7th Path™ Self-Hypnosis program?
The 7th Path™ Self-Hypnosis is a revolutionary new approach to self-improvement. This beautiful Mind-Body-Spirit approach to self-hypnosis is taught while in a state of hypnosis, where you learn to deprogram your mind to eliminate old programs and limiting beliefs and patterns. We call this process “Emptying The Cup”.

Why the 7th Path™ exceeds other self-hypnosis programs
It is the first self-hypnosis program that we know of that allows you to first remove the old programming that blocks success.

It is especially designed to work well with a Mind-Body-Spirit approach, often not included in so many other self improvement or self-hypnosis programs.

It is especially easy to do, and most practitioners will be successful at achieving self-hypnosis from the very first session. Why? Because you learn 7th Path Self-Hypnosis while in a state of hypnosis!

The 7th Path™ Is Simple
In just 3 sessions, you can master the techniques used in 7th Path™ Self-Hypnosis. Anyone of normal intelligence can learn this process, and use it to make powerful changes in their lives.
You will find the process is simple, yet profound, in its ability to help you move past your old blockages and on to a fuller and more successful life.

The 7th Path™ is useful for:
- Ridding yourself of old bad habits and addictions
- Improving your mood
- Improving your relationships
- Helping you to become more patient and confident
- Improving study and test taking
- Becoming a better parent
- Healing from stressed induced illnesses
- Finding purpose in your life
- Bringing your highest philosophies and beliefs into your everyday life
- And many more..

How Do I Get Started?
Call Patrick Tong, a certified 7th Path™ Self-Hypnosis Trainer at 97733173. He will answer your questions and clarify any issues you may have.