Monday, October 26, 2009

7th Path™ Self Hypnosis Course

What is the 7th Path™ Self-Hypnosis program?
The 7th Path™ Self-Hypnosis is a revolutionary new approach to self-improvement. This beautiful Mind-Body-Spirit approach to self-hypnosis is taught while in a state of hypnosis, where you learn to deprogram your mind to eliminate old programs and limiting beliefs and patterns. We call this process “Emptying The Cup”.

Why the 7th Path™ exceeds other self-hypnosis programs
It is the first self-hypnosis program that we know of that allows you to first remove the old programming that blocks success.

It is especially designed to work well with a Mind-Body-Spirit approach, often not included in so many other self improvement or self-hypnosis programs.

It is especially easy to do, and most practitioners will be successful at achieving self-hypnosis from the very first session. Why? Because you learn 7th Path Self-Hypnosis while in a state of hypnosis!

The 7th Path™ Is Simple
In just 3 sessions, you can master the techniques used in 7th Path™ Self-Hypnosis. Anyone of normal intelligence can learn this process, and use it to make powerful changes in their lives.
You will find the process is simple, yet profound, in its ability to help you move past your old blockages and on to a fuller and more successful life.

The 7th Path™ is useful for:
- Ridding yourself of old bad habits and addictions
- Improving your mood
- Improving your relationships
- Helping you to become more patient and confident
- Improving study and test taking
- Becoming a better parent
- Healing from stressed induced illnesses
- Finding purpose in your life
- Bringing your highest philosophies and beliefs into your everyday life
- And many more..

How Do I Get Started?
Call Patrick Tong, a certified 7th Path™ Self-Hypnosis Trainer at 97733173. He will answer your questions and clarify any issues you may have.

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